Usually people like me, quiet, cutlery and rational, have great organizational skills , are appreciated in the family and professional because they are able to make detailed plans, predict potential bottlenecks and propose remedies and end up being weighted
the reference point of relatives, friends and colleagues who planned to life optimally. To
eyes of most people seem to strong, steadfast and determined, because the knowledge that you have prepared and weighed every decision puts them away from thoughts: Do not ever repent of their choices because they are the logical consequence of a reasoning unimpeachable.
These people, however, a small but significant shortcoming: they are not able to improvise , to quickly decide what to do, their mental mechanisms need time to develop the project and, when confronted with the need to resolve quickly a situation, find themselves in difficult and distressing almost always opt for the least appropriate . Of course
almost always realize it was wrong and, in retrospect, almost always find at least a dozen possible solutions to the problem, any more appropriate than dictated by so much so fast ... but now the thing is done!
So step the rest of Sunday to weigh the alternatives , pretending with my daughter and the rest of the family that the problem is now resolved, unable to think of anything else without being able to realize a better solution.
Fortunately the day ended, and once in bed, in silence and darkness, so I have to concentrate on the matter calmly and finally un'ideuzza me is ... ©
Ross- Radaelli 19:07:08
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