The next morning, Sunday , Time set in advance, we parked the car in front of the Baleazzi and, pending, I try to calm my daughter telling her, as I did when I was a child, that should not be shaken by the visit , after all, is not the first time that you submit to 'examination of the : your doctor will make the usual oil droplet on the skin and will tickle the tube with silver, there is nothing to worry about ...
we both know that I'm lying shamelessly, but each to reassure each other, we pretend to believe it.
At 10:15 we enter the main entrance, go up the stairs, past the reception and take the elevator to ascend to the second floor.
come here there is no indication that there may be presumed to be in the right place, so I look in the long corridor and, on the bottom addocchiata the white coat of a nurse, I reach it and wonder if that is the Department of Plastic Surgery . Affirmative answer to his instinct to ask Dr. Montano's , gives me a strange look inquisitive but not bat an eyelid and turns to walk into a room to call him.
Only then did I remember that the doctor had told me to give him a ring on the cell .... well now .... patience! From the hall can
nurse followed up and light a giovanottello that, with a vague attitude of embarrassment, asks us to wait in the waiting room .... right: after all, are not yet about 10.30! Meanwhile
that we head to the waiting room my daughter asks me point blank: - Do you think that has already taken twelve years? -
I throw them a dirty look of reproach and I must point out that a young doctor offers more guarantees as to update the meantime ... the alarm bells ringing but I'm too agitated to pay attention.
Shortly after Dr. Montano joins us and invites us to follow him to a maze of corridors and down stairs, until you get in front of a door on the side of a label which identifies the study of Dr. Leopold Shwarz . The young man fiddles with
a bunch of keys on the lock, but after having tried everything without success, he concludes that they are not the right ones and asks us to wait while he goes to retrieve the others.
Alarm bell? No, not this time, I am aware that in a hospital only doctors have the most important rank their own analysis, others have a common room but can not guarantee sufficient privacy for a visit, so I did not create surprise that Dr. Montano has asked the top (or the nurse?) the keys to that room.
The young man comes back after about ten minutes, this time the door opens and we enter the studio .
We are asking us to sit down and explain the problem. I tell him that you are editing the new and interrupts me immediately with: - Here we go! -
He sat on the bed and she raises her shirt with a view to putting the offending stain.
Dr. Montano raises between thumb and forefinger area of \u200b\u200baffected skin , the searches for a moment, then returns to his desk and declares - It 's certainly raise! - Then what fishing in the pocket seems a small handheld (or is one of those new handsets all-in-one, I was trying!) and start tapping the screen with a tiny stylus.
I ask him if he can make a diagnosis on the nature of neo but not off balance
- Must be the ' histological examination after excision - and meanwhile, calls the approach to: - Come, which I'll explain what we do. .. -
My daughter looks at me perplexed and seems about to ask: "But the visit is already over? - but obeys and comes to us.
Dr. Montano rummages among the various papers piled on your desk until it finds a piece untouched and began to draw on it with the pen, while explaining to the: - You do cut diamond around the mole, then sewed the flaps of skin so as to leave a small scar over time become more and more subtle ... - In
seems a bit 'disgusted by the details of the crudest description ... maybe he's thinking that what the doctor is doing symbolically sliced \u200b\u200bwith a pen porebbe be the skin of his side ... The dr. Montano does not notice and s'infervora in magnifying the operative technique they wish to attend, apparently more interested in the outcome esthetic and curative ... it has become apparent that in multi-specialized, the dermatologist is not he ...
© Radaelli-Ross 19:07:08
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