and parts for this new literary adventure: to compose poetry, and hopefully good poem, using the metric of all time, in every country. I'll try anyway. Why?
The verse was certainly a great achievement. Being able to dial without having to worry about harnessing the words in formal architecture, for some, including me, must have seemed like a great achievement. The metric allows course combinations of words certainly more small.
But with time, was born a reason. I asked myself: the absence of the metric has basically eliminated something by which the poem had worked for centuries? I think so!
Poetry historically was designed to be accompanied by music and dance. So it had to be the lyrics of a song, and the metric would be the formal architecture to flesh out the internal rhythm of the composition. Delete the metric has meant changing the nature of poetry, prose to approach her, and give the impression that it was the genre accessible to anyone who wanted to try. - Just say it with heart. - Say the newcomers - do it as well as the flow was expected. -
But you're saying! The poem is formal research before all else is a mystery why a large poetry is just great!
Finally, a misrepresentation of the current romantic, gave the coup de grace: the poem as an expression of simple emotions to focus on romantic moments ... but you're saying!
Then I realized that what at first looked like a revolution against a tradition fossilized into mannerism, using blank verse in fact, had taken only the craft of composing poetry. Let me be clear, without claiming to succeed in my purpose, I know that poetry is philology, rhetoric and tradition. Every great poet of the past had to deal with the poetic tradition that preceded him. Latin culture and Greek culture even before ... as potersene steal, especially for a poet who writes in Italian, which is mainly the evolution of the previous two languages? Concepts discounted ...
I bought a text, namely, the Dictionary of linguistics and philology, meter, rhetoric directed by Gian Luigi Beccaria. Having it as a base, in alphabetical order, I present my poems entangled in the songs of the past, with esoteric eye.
This is my personal tribute to the tradition and the roots of poetry.
Also, how to resist the temptation to compose using a meter of my invention? And so I did ironically with Gianky: 3 stanzas: the first one: a triplet, a descending chorus, with respectively 11, 7 and 4 syllables (rhyme: A, b, c) a room of 7 lines: 5 +5 +11 +11 +11 +5.11 and rhyme: d, d, a / E, E, B, C; last triplet, a rising chorus (syllables: 4, 7, 11; rhyme: c, b, A).
and parts for this new literary adventure: to compose poetry, and hopefully good poem, using the metric of all time, in every country. I'll try anyway. Why?
The verse was certainly a great achievement. Being able to dial without having to worry about harnessing the words in formal architecture, for some, including me, must have seemed like a great achievement. The metric allows course combinations of words certainly more small.
But with time, was born a reason. I asked myself: the absence of the metric has basically eliminated something by which the poem had worked for centuries? I think so!
Poetry historically was designed to be accompanied by music and dance. So it had to be the lyrics of a song, and the metric would be the formal architecture to flesh out the internal rhythm of the composition. Delete the metric has meant changing the nature of poetry, prose to approach her, and give the impression that it was the genre accessible to anyone who wanted to try. - Just say it with heart. - Say the newcomers - do it as well as the flow was expected. -
But you're saying! The poem is formal research before all else is a mystery why a large poetry is just great!
Finally, a misrepresentation of the current romantic, gave the coup de grace: the poem as an expression of simple emotions to focus on romantic moments ... but you're saying!
Then I realized that what at first looked like a revolution against a tradition fossilized into mannerism, using blank verse in fact, had taken only the craft of composing poetry. Let me be clear, without claiming to succeed in my purpose, I know that poetry is philology, rhetoric and tradition. Every great poet of the past had to deal with the poetic tradition that preceded him. Latin culture and Greek culture even before ... as potersene steal, especially for a poet who writes in Italian, which is mainly the evolution of the previous two languages? Concepts discounted ...
I bought a text, namely, the Dictionary of linguistics and philology, meter, rhetoric directed by Gian Luigi Beccaria. Having it as a base, in alphabetical order, I present my poems entangled in the songs of the past, with esoteric eye.
This is my personal tribute to the tradition and the roots of poetry.
Also, how to resist the temptation to compose using a meter of my invention? And so I did ironically with Gianky: 3 stanzas: the first one: a triplet, a descending chorus, with respectively 11, 7 and 4 syllables (rhyme: A, b, c) a room of 7 lines: 5 +5 +11 +11 +11 +5.11 and rhyme: d, d, a / E, E, B, C; last triplet, a rising chorus (syllables: 4, 7, 11; rhyme: c, b, A).
L 'author
A nNOTE - This note rhythms
N ew lines of the labyrinth of rooms:
A nNOTE - This note rhythms
N ew lines of the labyrinth of rooms:
G iacimenti in which I will turn
E motion like an idiot.
L AVAV well - a child - consciousness
A nnusando the meshes of my mother.
E motion like an idiot.
L AVAV well - a child - consciousness
A nnusando the meshes of my mother.
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