Welcome back and good evening to all!
As promised, here is the first part of the news about my period of radio silence. After the birth of my little elf Thomas things have changed radically, and the adjustment period that it took me to adapt to the new "adventure" Dad, it's been longer than expected.
To get a better understanding of all elements is better to make some order.
We start from 'beginning ...
March 2007 (do not worry you will not be so boring!).
I receive an email from Mark Schiavone, CEO of issues Bd
Strange but true they are interested in a project in which I and the brave Andrea Gagne we are working: Dead Nation .
April 2007.
begin to draw Dead Nation.
will be the duty of working full time and draw a comic strip, began to show signs of impatience with my work in the Library.
December 2007.
pencils Dead nation almost completed. I decide to quit by Mondadori to become a commercial agent (representative) for a firm that is conditioning.
From that moment everything changes.
March 2008.
Within a year we can complete the project and see it published in time for the 'year of the Lucca same year will also be presented the' register with the winning entries of Lucca Project Contest 2007.
May 2008.
Depression "postpartum" Dead Nation start to feel the "real" job is in disarray due to my ineptitude.
July 2008.
Still nothing on the comics front, I fortunately a new "real" job.
September 2008.
I'm getting married! (Unless I put Antonella shoot me!).
January 2009.
Bd Editions offers me to work on a project to celebrate the 'birthday of the Professional series of novels written by Stephen Gunn, published by Mondadori.
March 2009.
The financial crisis that comes into work (in July of that year and then declare bankruptcy). My contract is not given to me and left without protection work.
opens a very bizarre.
End prologue.
Ps The next episode will definitely be more exciting.
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