Sunday, October 31, 2010

Watch Operation Repo On Ipod Touch


There are hobbies that undergo the influence of fashion : become popular for a time , during which the protagonists of the chat between bricoleurs and offers the industry, but then, after a period of time variable (from a couple of years to a dozen or so) are abandoned in favor of new activities and disappear into thin air literally drowning in oblivion ... E 'happened years ago with those mounts to make squares of wool crochet going crazy everywhere ... even the street vendors sold them on the beaches, a sign that they were just popular! Does anyone
if you remember?
Well, if it does not suit you to step forward, betray your (our ehm. ..) age!

;-) But this also happened in recent times for salt dough or the patchwork on polystyrene : while the former still shows some burst of life by one-time testing of new recipes which in turn prolong the agony, the second is just totally dead, finished, kaput and to no avail to revive attempts by various manufacturers shapes. They too had to resign and the evidence, not to succumb, have decided to adjust production to forms that lend themselves to decoration with the much more popular decoupage.

's why it's always nice to find a hobby that fashions if they do not care and is useful for us to argue stereotypes about women's fickleness that the boys put out to vilify them.
I'm referring to the activity of 'fit beads of which, as you go back in time, it is difficult to set a date of birth as the presence of strings of beads even in archaeological testifies to the constancy with which it was handed down from generation to generation of mother to daughter, this pastime.
not yet seem to suffer at all of the weight of years, indeed, is more topical and lively than ever!

and is not affected even by geographical limits: it is proved that all the women on the planet suffer like this and passion, from East to West, from the bottom of the sea to the sky (and Ariel Pollon ve you forget the words ?!)... manages to be politically correct and global at once!

The only problem related to its longevity and its disclosure could be the lack of originality ... let's face it, it is not easy to be proactive in an area already intensively exploited so ...
why in this area as you do what you do in all creative environments when you are short of ideas : pulling out of the trunk of an old grandmother junk and recycle it as such as vintage or is the dust, there are the brakes and the clutch and throws himself into the fray in revival ... simple, right?!

My grandmother, person apprezzabilissima many ways, belonged, alas, the ranks of those concrete individuals and not prone to sentimentality used to throw away now-infamous! - Everything that no longer has any use for them .... the result is that, not having inherited a trunk in the nineteenth century as a rummage, I drew on my memories box (so says my daughter, the age is more whether or not that!) and I fished out the frugal idea adopted by the girls of my generation to get a set of custom jewelry: necklaces the toasted noodles !

Simple ingredient, are good because all forms of pasta with a hole in the middle (fingering and penne were my favorite!) And simple recipe also : simply turning a handful of noodles in a pan nonstick and let it cook on the fire for a few minutes, stirring so as to color for each piece well ... let cool and we are ready to put on the most beautiful, economic and ecological history of beads!

© Radaelli-Ross 17:11:06

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Miami Gay Cruising Hot Spots

-first episode. What happened

Hello everyone!
I'm here again to bore you with a new episode: What has happened.
Good reading.
December 2008
Lucchese After the hangover, I decided groped the road full time designer.
The "real" job was beginning to Starmie closer than ever.
Editions Bd asked me for some plans for a trial project, I threw it with all possible enthusiasm, the hunger was so great.

The project teased me a lot, especially because it would allow me to try my hand again with Juno of my favorite genres: science fiction!

These are some characters and two tables of evidence that I made.
soon for a new episode!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Where Can I Play Pokemon Online For Mac


Welcome back and good evening to all!
As promised, here is the first part of the news about my period of radio silence.
We broke up in September 2009 with exactly the post you are HERE.
After the birth of my little elf Thomas things have changed radically, and the adjustment period that it took me to adapt to the new "adventure" Dad, it's been longer than expected.
To get a better understanding of all elements is better to make some order.
We start from 'beginning ...

March 2007 (do not worry you will not be so boring!).
I receive an email from Mark Schiavone, CEO of issues Bd
Strange but true they are interested in a project in which I and the brave Andrea Gagne we are working: Dead Nation .
April 2007.
begin to draw Dead Nation.
will be the duty of working full time and draw a comic strip, began to show signs of impatience with my work in the Library.
December 2007.
pencils Dead nation almost completed. I decide to quit by Mondadori to become a commercial agent (representative) for a firm that is conditioning.
From that moment everything changes.
March 2008.
Within a year we can complete the project and see it published in time for the 'year of the Lucca same year will also be presented the' register with the winning entries of Lucca Project Contest 2007.
May 2008.
Depression "postpartum" Dead Nation start to feel the "real" job is in disarray due to my ineptitude.
July 2008.
Still nothing on the comics front, I fortunately a new "real" job.

September 2008.
I'm getting married! (Unless I put Antonella shoot me!).

January 2009.
Bd Editions offers me to work on a project to celebrate the 'birthday of the Professional series of novels written by Stephen Gunn, published by Mondadori.
March 2009.
The financial crisis that comes into work (in July of that year and then declare bankruptcy). My contract is not given to me and left without protection work.
opens a very bizarre.
End prologue.
Ps The next episode will definitely be more exciting.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Could You Get Herpes On Your Stomach

must point out

Good evening!
I know what you are about to read has nothing to with issues in the blog;
However, this program plays an important part in my day, especially while churning out my doodles.
Cito and carry-over from the blog of Marco Mazzoli :

I can not give too much explanation, otherwise food a mechanism that is destroying us!
I can only say that today there is aired!!
very few of us stopped at the top ...
This time is not the radio, this time the close request comes from much higher, perhaps it is time we stepped on a huge shit ...
had to happen sooner or later, someone had to take up the power and shut your mouth ... but it does not end here! The Zoo does not give up ...
I keep you updated, you do spread the word ....
not allow the politicians to close the Zoo "

In my little I hope I have contributed.
Who wants to be stronger.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Yeast Infection Chlamydia

332 days later! KA-

Good evening everyone!
Welcome to the party for the reopening of this blog.
For those who already have a habit of these pages, but also for those who are passing through here for the first time, an explanation is a must!
The previous post was accompanied by a 'clear and evocative image for me, but probably indecipherable to you!
My condition in 'last year was comparable to that of a survivor to a' nuclear holocaust!
Taken by surprise by the 'more devastating explosion that might occur, it took much effort and many sacrifices in order to reactivate any form communication, but it is human nature to get back on their feet after a disaster, and I did not throw some back.
The next post will serve to tell you what I've done during the 332 days of absence from the web.
For now over and out, but not spend too much time before I call into contact with you!
Stay tuned. Among

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Steam Feature Of Washer Worth It
