Saturday, December 25, 2010

Funny Message To The New Born

Creativity child to wear ...

It is said that children are the most talented of fantasy beings but it is a myth to debunk : our children are not the most creative of us are simply less likely to inhibitions that affect the lives of adults!
When a child is faced with a new and unexpected situation , unable to process it rationally, given its limited wealth of experience, instinctively reacts according to the perception receipt: If the occurrence is experienced as negative tend to reject it (ignoring, crying or running away ... depending on its nature and intensity of sensation experienced) if it has made a positive impression will only deal with the event the only way it knows: practical experimentation. And since it can lead to completely unpredictable results , we adults, and practical reasoning, we are fascinated, surprised and admired before the creative prowess of our little genius.

In fact I believe that no result produced randomly can be called creative.
It 's true that sometimes produce wonderful works by sheer chance, as you suggested other targets ... just sometimes, though!
L ' intentional, knowing what you want to get, is the basis of any creative process ... do not confuse a natural gift simply by luck!

This does not mean that we should give less weight inventive activity of our children, anything but! We must try to cultivate and develop their artistic skills and educate their desire for new things , channeling towards a defined goal that their anarchist need to "mess".

The child who delves into the color-to-finger and then rub on the paper (and perhaps even on the table, on the shirt on the sofa ...) is doing very positive experience for him but he is not expressing his creativity!
Let's put to the test asking him what he's trying to get and if we have a puzzled look in response and a non-lo-so minutes we will have in front of a bored child who, in his own way, is deceiving the time a fun way. What a waste of energy
(also-and above! - The mom who will clean up the artistic exuberance of the infant upholstery living room)!
Why not try
then give shape to the desire to make our children channeling their liveliness to a precise destination ?

And if we lack the ideas, inspiration to try one of the many sites of educational games (not a case if you call me that!).
Neither should we buy them, I'm sure we will find already in the house materials suitable for recycling .... in short order, we encourage the creativity of our children, offering them an example of our! ;-)

© Radaelli-Ross 01:07:07

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What Kind Of Headbands Do Soccer Players Wear

notice to mariners ... What happened

Good evening, everyone!
bothers to communicate that:
Monday, December 13, at 70 Ligera Cafes in via Padova, 133 in Milan, at 19:30 , there will be a presentation of the book The Professional - Vendetta. There will be
Marino Di Stefano will be Alan D. Altieri and Tito Faraci, besides myself.
If you want to meet you look!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pinky Promise Tracker

-third stake.

Hello, welcome back to
almost-weekly appointment with the chronicles of 2009.
When you're fed up with these delusions autobiographical me a whistle, In the meantime I am going on!
February 2009.
was now a few weeks I was working on the project of science fiction, when I receive a call from Tito Faraci of Editions Bd.
I is proposed to treat the graphic transposition of professional comics, known personggio noir, the protagonist of a long series of books dedicated to him and made by Stefano Di Marino, aka Stephen Gunn.
interrupt it the previous project and I start to 'work on this new job.
Dealing with existing and well-known characters is a challenge, and so exciting.
In this post I begin to show the protagonists of the story characters.
Spoiler. In the next episode will
woe, new directions and other boards of the Professional!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wedding Response Card With Vegetarian Menu Choice

The labors of Hercules ... What happened

troop Good evening!
L 'image above is merely the cover of volume
The Professional: Vendetta ,
outbound Editions Bd , Thursday, December 2.
will be available in the library and I believe also in comic books.
It 'was hard to finish it, and I think I have pissed off an incredible amount of people, first of all the writer Stephen Gunn alias Stefano Di Marino . How
not forget Luca Berel and Tito Faraci that although they were furious that they believed I could do it and allowed a new book that became part of my curriculum!
the next episode of Chronicles of 2009, a large space dedicated to this work.
Stay Tuned.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Unusual Body Sprayers

-second episode.

Good evening everyone!
Welcome back to the second round with Conac 2008-2009.
Sit back and enjoy.
January 2009.
still clouded by merry Christmas full of good intentions made to the 'New Year, finished the test boards for the project science fiction, I find myself with nothing to do at the moment.
Since the "real work" had given me two weeks to stop for Christmas, I decided to try a leap of faith:
make four plates test to try to join the team of John Doe.
Below is the result.

do not think it went very well ...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pokemon Buildings Sprites Tilesets

Lucca Comics & Games 2010 ... or with fins, rifle and goggles. What happened

First I have to make a premise:
I have no physicist!
Well you are aged and sick.
not put up with people pushing, the kick the stand; cosplayers; ticket art and especially the rain cats and dogs. Yeah I
I know, the 'last part of my senior-complaint is not dependent' organization of the fair, but so 'is also that I complain.
Honestly this year 's party are charged to address two days immersed in the editor, and comic book crowd.
The best thing was definitely spend a weekend with my partners Andrea G . and Andrea M. and my little family.
The rest, unfortunately, I was very indigestible.
[In order not to offend any real names will be replaced.]
icing on the cake was then the 'welcome they gave us an editor.
Two weeks before the show, knowing that the place is chaotic and therefore not all professionals have the time, we send the email to ask if you can present the material.
Picopallo editions Coccolino 33 answers me to go and ask them to stand alo Danilin B rollottinino .
So on Sunday afternoon, we come to the stand to try the editor said. Located
we get, after ten minutes and pretends to notice various signs of our presence, gracefully expose the facts.
annoyed the brave editor curtly reminding us that he had been 's agreement to open at six.
The real problem is that any mail that read:
" We'll be there definitely, Francesco

and when the stand goes well ask d anilino B rollottinino.

a greeting "
Congratulations is a real pleasure dealing with you!
Francis controversial.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Watch Operation Repo On Ipod Touch


There are hobbies that undergo the influence of fashion : become popular for a time , during which the protagonists of the chat between bricoleurs and offers the industry, but then, after a period of time variable (from a couple of years to a dozen or so) are abandoned in favor of new activities and disappear into thin air literally drowning in oblivion ... E 'happened years ago with those mounts to make squares of wool crochet going crazy everywhere ... even the street vendors sold them on the beaches, a sign that they were just popular! Does anyone
if you remember?
Well, if it does not suit you to step forward, betray your (our ehm. ..) age!

;-) But this also happened in recent times for salt dough or the patchwork on polystyrene : while the former still shows some burst of life by one-time testing of new recipes which in turn prolong the agony, the second is just totally dead, finished, kaput and to no avail to revive attempts by various manufacturers shapes. They too had to resign and the evidence, not to succumb, have decided to adjust production to forms that lend themselves to decoration with the much more popular decoupage.

's why it's always nice to find a hobby that fashions if they do not care and is useful for us to argue stereotypes about women's fickleness that the boys put out to vilify them.
I'm referring to the activity of 'fit beads of which, as you go back in time, it is difficult to set a date of birth as the presence of strings of beads even in archaeological testifies to the constancy with which it was handed down from generation to generation of mother to daughter, this pastime.
not yet seem to suffer at all of the weight of years, indeed, is more topical and lively than ever!

and is not affected even by geographical limits: it is proved that all the women on the planet suffer like this and passion, from East to West, from the bottom of the sea to the sky (and Ariel Pollon ve you forget the words ?!)... manages to be politically correct and global at once!

The only problem related to its longevity and its disclosure could be the lack of originality ... let's face it, it is not easy to be proactive in an area already intensively exploited so ...
why in this area as you do what you do in all creative environments when you are short of ideas : pulling out of the trunk of an old grandmother junk and recycle it as such as vintage or is the dust, there are the brakes and the clutch and throws himself into the fray in revival ... simple, right?!

My grandmother, person apprezzabilissima many ways, belonged, alas, the ranks of those concrete individuals and not prone to sentimentality used to throw away now-infamous! - Everything that no longer has any use for them .... the result is that, not having inherited a trunk in the nineteenth century as a rummage, I drew on my memories box (so says my daughter, the age is more whether or not that!) and I fished out the frugal idea adopted by the girls of my generation to get a set of custom jewelry: necklaces the toasted noodles !

Simple ingredient, are good because all forms of pasta with a hole in the middle (fingering and penne were my favorite!) And simple recipe also : simply turning a handful of noodles in a pan nonstick and let it cook on the fire for a few minutes, stirring so as to color for each piece well ... let cool and we are ready to put on the most beautiful, economic and ecological history of beads!

© Radaelli-Ross 17:11:06

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Miami Gay Cruising Hot Spots

-first episode. What happened

Hello everyone!
I'm here again to bore you with a new episode: What has happened.
Good reading.
December 2008
Lucchese After the hangover, I decided groped the road full time designer.
The "real" job was beginning to Starmie closer than ever.
Editions Bd asked me for some plans for a trial project, I threw it with all possible enthusiasm, the hunger was so great.

The project teased me a lot, especially because it would allow me to try my hand again with Juno of my favorite genres: science fiction!

These are some characters and two tables of evidence that I made.
soon for a new episode!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Where Can I Play Pokemon Online For Mac


Welcome back and good evening to all!
As promised, here is the first part of the news about my period of radio silence.
We broke up in September 2009 with exactly the post you are HERE.
After the birth of my little elf Thomas things have changed radically, and the adjustment period that it took me to adapt to the new "adventure" Dad, it's been longer than expected.
To get a better understanding of all elements is better to make some order.
We start from 'beginning ...

March 2007 (do not worry you will not be so boring!).
I receive an email from Mark Schiavone, CEO of issues Bd
Strange but true they are interested in a project in which I and the brave Andrea Gagne we are working: Dead Nation .
April 2007.
begin to draw Dead Nation.
will be the duty of working full time and draw a comic strip, began to show signs of impatience with my work in the Library.
December 2007.
pencils Dead nation almost completed. I decide to quit by Mondadori to become a commercial agent (representative) for a firm that is conditioning.
From that moment everything changes.
March 2008.
Within a year we can complete the project and see it published in time for the 'year of the Lucca same year will also be presented the' register with the winning entries of Lucca Project Contest 2007.
May 2008.
Depression "postpartum" Dead Nation start to feel the "real" job is in disarray due to my ineptitude.
July 2008.
Still nothing on the comics front, I fortunately a new "real" job.

September 2008.
I'm getting married! (Unless I put Antonella shoot me!).

January 2009.
Bd Editions offers me to work on a project to celebrate the 'birthday of the Professional series of novels written by Stephen Gunn, published by Mondadori.
March 2009.
The financial crisis that comes into work (in July of that year and then declare bankruptcy). My contract is not given to me and left without protection work.
opens a very bizarre.
End prologue.
Ps The next episode will definitely be more exciting.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Could You Get Herpes On Your Stomach

must point out

Good evening!
I know what you are about to read has nothing to with issues in the blog;
However, this program plays an important part in my day, especially while churning out my doodles.
Cito and carry-over from the blog of Marco Mazzoli :

I can not give too much explanation, otherwise food a mechanism that is destroying us!
I can only say that today there is aired!!
very few of us stopped at the top ...
This time is not the radio, this time the close request comes from much higher, perhaps it is time we stepped on a huge shit ...
had to happen sooner or later, someone had to take up the power and shut your mouth ... but it does not end here! The Zoo does not give up ...
I keep you updated, you do spread the word ....
not allow the politicians to close the Zoo "

In my little I hope I have contributed.
Who wants to be stronger.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Yeast Infection Chlamydia

332 days later! KA-

Good evening everyone!
Welcome to the party for the reopening of this blog.
For those who already have a habit of these pages, but also for those who are passing through here for the first time, an explanation is a must!
The previous post was accompanied by a 'clear and evocative image for me, but probably indecipherable to you!
My condition in 'last year was comparable to that of a survivor to a' nuclear holocaust!
Taken by surprise by the 'more devastating explosion that might occur, it took much effort and many sacrifices in order to reactivate any form communication, but it is human nature to get back on their feet after a disaster, and I did not throw some back.
The next post will serve to tell you what I've done during the 332 days of absence from the web.
For now over and out, but not spend too much time before I call into contact with you!
Stay tuned. Among

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Steam Feature Of Washer Worth It


Monday, August 30, 2010

Bigger Breasts Breastpumping Does It Always Work

Medical malpractice or medical malpractice? - Point 12: All's well that ends well

The episode that I told really happened in July 2008 .
I intentionally crippled the names of places and people because, otherwise, I should have asked permission to publish kind of a , but the facts are exactly as I have told. Fortunately
the evolution of the neo my daughter was that provided by the dermatologist hospital: is it enough for sewing small pieces of soft tissue on the internal wall of jeans, at the neo to solve the problem and prevent recurrence in these two years.

Contrary to expected, the "secretary" of Dr. Montano I was never contacted to ask for billing information, and then, in exchange for concern and anxiety, I saved 120 € (and in exchange for welfare I have saved my daughter's 500!).

My friend Annika , which are still sorry to have messed up the holidays, I was called repeatedly from Sicily get updates, and came home, I was reassured several times on her husband's surgeon availability in case of need.

So what? Why
revive two years after the episode and stories published on the Net?

For a simple random that made me re-emerge in memory the events of those days: this week by consulting the volume of Yellow Pages, looking for another phone number, the list is open to me right at the entry "Medical specialists" and those who think you're as bearer of plastic surgeons in the town of Rhodia ? But the well-known Studio Physician Associate Polispecialistico Dr. Montano!

The leopard can not change its spots: it has changed category but the details are always those of two cell and address given is always the same. Note that, unlike what happened before, do not specify all activities carried out by the clinic: regurgitation of consciousness or reduction of badget available for advertising?
I do not is unknown ... and I'll look good and contact the person to ask for enlightenment! ©

Radaelli-Ross 19:07:08

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Shelf Life Of Promethazine 25mg

Medical malpractice or medical malpractice? - Item 11: Question of mode ...

Dr. Botta raises his eyes from the cookbook and addressing the questions whether the ' wearing apparel is what usually brings ...
I glance at my daughter low rise jeans , T-shirt and studded belt sides. Yes, definitely has his usual look .... her and countless other girls the same age, so what?

Sensing our confusion, Dr. Botta is quick to explain:
- I noticed that Miss pantalani are closer right at the new ... the denim itself is pretty rough, also with the belt metal decorations also imposed at that point: the repeated rubbing of fabric maybe added to the sweat caused by the heat in recent days, the irritation caused ... -
- Ah !......- I do not know what to say, all I could think of except for a cause so trivial !

But I recover quickly from the early-and surprise! - I ask the doctor the question that we care about most: the neo is to be removed or not?
- I would say that is not the case - decided to respond to Dr. Botta - Just take the necessary precautions to avoid irritation : bring comfortable pants or cloth softer .... such as those in suits gymnastics ... - Then note the look that is launching murderess The smile and adds: - ... of course, if Miss wants to follow fashion , simply wearing a vest that will protect the new jeans by rubbing ... -

Then it gets more serious and warns us: - Right now is the mole innoffensivo , however if the inflammatory episodes are repeated over time they might induce the transformation ...-
And then concludes, as we usually end all medical examinations of this type, with a view to which we could have come from the sun but if it is expressed by a specialist, has a different weight:
- Does not do anything for the moment and take the neo observed in order to grasp any changes to the first occurrence ...-

We take leave from the doctor lifted the morale and just outside the hospital, also located in the way of irony:
Let it be clear-something tells me ...- with serious -... do you can forget that I put the vest! -
And both burst into uncontrollable laughter and release . ©

Radaelli-Ross 19:07:08

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jet Li Movies Watch Online

Medical malpractice or medical malpractice? - Step 10: The verdict

After having poured over a drop of oily liquid, Dr. Botta tool supports the new and look carefully through the cable eye. They spend long endless second-or so it seemed to me holding the breath- before a decision is to express an opinion : - Nothing to worry about ... - He says - ... is just a little 'irritated. The
breath too long locked up my breaks out in a sigh of relief so loud that Dr. Botta raises his eyes from his work and smiles at me sympathetically.

-Now we see others ...- said then, turning to the, devoting himself to meticulous observation of all the spots it can find on the skin of my daughter.
After the examination, told to get dressed and in the meantime that cleans and puts the dermatoscope, confirms the negative results of the survey :
- There are no changes in place, the mole on the side is swollen and inflamed, but no signs of degeneration, I would say that you can rest assured ...- He pauses, as if uncertain whether to tell us more ... then you decide: Given the
-.. type of person, blonde, fair skin, should be repeated every time the test we did today .-

all?! It occurs to me, but nodded with an expression grateful to Dr. Botta and, while he sits down at your desk to draw up the written report , re-emerging from exile in which I had recently confined, my reasoning that leads me to formulate the logical question :
-How come it has ignited the neo? - ©

Radaelli-Ross 19:07:08

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Best Every Day Driver Muscle Car

Medical malpractice or medical malpractice? - Step 9: Path of Hope

The Hospital of Legro is a big health complex that spans multiple buildings connected together by avenues, although it is a few miles from our house, and though there's happened several times to take the path that runs along the outer wall , we never had the opportunity to get in (to add luck).
On Friday afternoon we start on time because the nice lady booking office has been advised to switch to cash appointment with your doctor before you go ... It takes

five minutes to get there, ten minutes to find parking and quarter of an hour to locate and reach the pavilion is located where the acceptance of the clinics, then we take the ticket with the numerino and there get in line to pay.

After about twenty minutes for our turn comes and we discover that we could avoid the queue :
- But why has the count? - I question the "cashier" - and screaming, if anything, there were still pending: - Patients to be given priority over other payment! -
I avoid the comments and, after paying due I walk away with your eyes low not make eye contact with these .... but I feel the same, to rain on his shoulders. their disapproval of ochhiate .

Finally we arrive and are welcomed by nell'ambulatorio Dr. Botta : a middle-aged man, tall and thin bundled up in a hospital gown by at least two sizes too big, that hangs on him like a dress on the hanger. It makes us sit in chairs in front of his desk and began to do in the the usual questions: where there's always this new state, when he noticed the change, if you have altered the shape or color or both things ...

then asks her to undress and lie down on the couch while he recovers in a locked metal cabinet, a box with dermatoscope . Meanwhile, that extracts and turning the instrument explains what is examination risparmiarselo ... could, as in he has done before, but I appreciate the effort put comfortable .
And then comes the question, of course, starting from the newly indicted ... ©

Radaelli-Ross 19:07:08

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Black Chicks Wrestling

Medical malpractice or medical malpractice? Step 8: Just pay ....

Heartened by ' Enzo optimistic attitude, which I know I can trust blindly, and spurred by his undeclared but perceptible criticism on my "boccalaggine" I take courage and call Dott.Montano to cancel the appointment .
I tell him the truth: that I thought that before and to make my daughter who is undergoing prefer a dermoscopy specialist from .... at this point, because my skills have been restored to reason, I expected its possible replication :
-No problem - I expect to say - I'll take the exam by dermatologist colleague ...-
Dermatology is in fact one of the assets managed in the famous Clinic Polispecialistico that the Yellow Pages in Rhode placed and instead turned out to be a totally different place ... and I even prepared my objection: I prefer that In both followed by a doctor in the area ... Instead, the

Dott.Montano does not even pretend to indulge:
- I'm sorry lady - he says - but here we have already booked and now must pay ... -
Anyone who knows me knows I'm a patient person and so easy to keep your cool, instead of indignant and send him to hell as they deserve, I can help myself and ask politely "what" should I pay (an not made an examination and histological?).
-C 'is the reservation and pay a visit to my office on a holiday ... - The

reservation?! Perhaps
means the battery power of your handheld-phone-or-that-is ... The
would be the look that he gave in to the neo? In
"his" study ?! That
of Dr. Leopold Shwarz? In a festive
... well, you need to give this act, it was Sunday and I did not find any other doctor willing to receive us ....

So, reluctantly, I ask him how much I for the "noise" (to call him "visit" just did not succeed).
- 120 Euro - he replies resolutely Dr. Montano.
and I resign myself to cut short tell him to send me an invoice for his "performance" and will pay ....

E 'to this that, after two days of anxiety, worry and excitement, I enjoy a intense moment of true-and-dare I say evil spirits seizing the sudden indecision in the voice of Mr. Montano:
- ... bill? He wants the bill?! - Ask me. And then is justified - but if I did not even its data ...-


-pity - replica - A serious practitioner should annotarseli ...- and (now I lose my right to laugh ) concludes: - Now you do not have time to dictate, I am very busy, good morning. - And closing the phone still feel angry that Mr. Montano plays his last card: the
-.. I call from my secretary to get the data ...-

Okay, I think, I will address the problem when present, now I have to do something more important: book a visit to the dermatologist . Enzo
As I suggested, I try to ' Hospital Legro and after half an hour of trying, I can take the and talking to a polite lady who told me that the first day for the dermatological is at the end of September .... but today is July 7!


agitated that I explain my daughter has a mole in the process of transformation and must do as soon as possible dermoscopy. The nice lady and I am not flustered that to pay a visit there would first place ...
-... Friday at 16.45 with Dott.Botta, the visit costs 80 €, can fit them? -

Here would be an opportunity for some not very flattering account the functioning of the public health system but they are so raised the possibility that I offered to drive controversy and now the appointment.
After all this does is confirm a unwritten rule of social life : You can have almost everything and the best, you pay ... ©

Radaelli-Ross 19:07:08

Friday, August 20, 2010

Can Flu Lower Platelets

Medical malpractice or medical malpractice? - Step 7: What good are otherwise friends?!

Usually disapprove of those who exploit their knowledge for personal benefit and difficult to make use friends to take advantage of their professional qualifications but as the saying goes ...? Necessity is the mother of invention ... or When the water reaches the throat ... and learn to swim Opportunity makes the thief ... and I could go on to the bitter end in quoting proverbs in my justification ... but perhaps it takes only one: The friend in need is recognized ... that maybe it would be better adapted In times of need we remember of his .... and so, in the night I remember the sleepless Sunday that Annika husband, my dear friend, is surgeon and works at the hospital Legro, a few miles from our home.
Step over the fact that the couple already left for the holiday in Sicily - that are otherwise friends?! - and Monday morning contact Annika on the phone.

omit the niceties, a little 'because they are part of my natural attitude and a bit' cause I know-it-and-you-know-who does not bother on vacation if something serious had happened.
I am talking to her husband to whom I explain the situation ...

I open a parenthesis: Enzo, the husband of Annika is one of those doctors idealists who a few years ago, confronted the driver of a lucrative aut-surgery health insurance and hospital work, has opted for the latter.

So when I say that is willing Baleazzi giovanottello of (paying, of course) to work in within a few days, Enzo indignant, rails against the "quack" who claims to speak without even knowing that nature is the neo suspicion and makes me promise that I will not touch my daughter by anyone until his return from holiday in a couple of weeks
- If it is to be made, I am working in the hospital - I guarantee it.

In the meantime, I recommend, I can take her to the dermatologist to the usual mapping of the through epiluminescence and reassures me citing statistics that show how to be a small percentage are really in need of removal.

© Radaelli-Ross 19:07:08