Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Upper Leg Numbness And Tingling



Discovering the watermelons (and melons) square Franco Feroldi
When present in the pages of a square watermelon FreshPlaza the true story of Franco Feroldi many thought that it was a freak of nature or curious hobby of a farmer a bit 'insane. Well, nothing could be further from the truth.

FreshPlaza visited on site, in Casalmaggiore (CR), to evaluate the product and its commercial potential. On this occasion, we could not just "touch" and enjoy a watermelon square, but also witness live the first ever case of cutting a square melon!
Both products, far from being "made to play", but have noteworthy features, which we list below.
Practical and tasty, the benefits dall'anguria square
to the touch, peel the watermelon picture is pleasant, smooth and perfectly flat. Forcing where the fruit is submitted to obtain this result does not alter the taste at all, or a particular cause thickening of the skin. The square shape has indeed great benefits, both from a logistical standpoint, and from the table in the presentation of the product.

(Photo: FreshPlaza Italy).

sliced \u200b\u200binto quarters, the square watermelon is the dream of any consumer who wishes to enjoy it to the pot: easy to cut, not roll in every spoonful! Also, pack a box with square-shaped fruit is very different than doing it with the classic round watermelons.

Melon square: an inexhaustible source of inspiration for any chef
And what about the first specimen of square melon? The thing that catches the eye, just cut, is that the interior layout of the seeds to adapt to the external form. Reduced in slices, melon square offers an embarrassment of choice for a gourmet presentation.

Tired of ham perpetually poised on the crescent-shaped slices of a standard melon? With the square version there are no more problems. The ham you can lay directly on the slices (all of equal size) or be placed in the center of the single slice, where it will head out of the hole obtained by removing the seeds!

A project to exploit all
Franco Feroldi has devoted much of his life to the testing of appropriate techniques for the production of watermelons and melons multiform, not just so square, but also triangular or rectangular. "My dream is to connect this product to the area and build everything around an induced tourism and gastronomy. After long urged the local institutions and lenders to give strength to my project, I find myself today to have obtained little or nothing. "
Franco, who now relies on a local producer of watermelons and melons, said:" We need the input of private capital, who want to bet on the potential of these products. We need to invest in experimenting with new materials suitable for the production process, choice of varieties best suited to forcing, supervision by trained agronomists. Furthermore, this patented technology and promote the product at regional and national levels. All things I can not achieve alone, "says Franco." The Spaniards, who read me on FreshPlaza me in the ribs because they are sell them my secrets. I would prefer, for once, not having to take an idea abroad and raised in Italy. "


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