Saturday, December 25, 2010

Funny Message To The New Born

Creativity child to wear ...

It is said that children are the most talented of fantasy beings but it is a myth to debunk : our children are not the most creative of us are simply less likely to inhibitions that affect the lives of adults!
When a child is faced with a new and unexpected situation , unable to process it rationally, given its limited wealth of experience, instinctively reacts according to the perception receipt: If the occurrence is experienced as negative tend to reject it (ignoring, crying or running away ... depending on its nature and intensity of sensation experienced) if it has made a positive impression will only deal with the event the only way it knows: practical experimentation. And since it can lead to completely unpredictable results , we adults, and practical reasoning, we are fascinated, surprised and admired before the creative prowess of our little genius.

In fact I believe that no result produced randomly can be called creative.
It 's true that sometimes produce wonderful works by sheer chance, as you suggested other targets ... just sometimes, though!
L ' intentional, knowing what you want to get, is the basis of any creative process ... do not confuse a natural gift simply by luck!

This does not mean that we should give less weight inventive activity of our children, anything but! We must try to cultivate and develop their artistic skills and educate their desire for new things , channeling towards a defined goal that their anarchist need to "mess".

The child who delves into the color-to-finger and then rub on the paper (and perhaps even on the table, on the shirt on the sofa ...) is doing very positive experience for him but he is not expressing his creativity!
Let's put to the test asking him what he's trying to get and if we have a puzzled look in response and a non-lo-so minutes we will have in front of a bored child who, in his own way, is deceiving the time a fun way. What a waste of energy
(also-and above! - The mom who will clean up the artistic exuberance of the infant upholstery living room)!
Why not try
then give shape to the desire to make our children channeling their liveliness to a precise destination ?

And if we lack the ideas, inspiration to try one of the many sites of educational games (not a case if you call me that!).
Neither should we buy them, I'm sure we will find already in the house materials suitable for recycling .... in short order, we encourage the creativity of our children, offering them an example of our! ;-)

© Radaelli-Ross 01:07:07

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What Kind Of Headbands Do Soccer Players Wear

notice to mariners ... What happened

Good evening, everyone!
bothers to communicate that:
Monday, December 13, at 70 Ligera Cafes in via Padova, 133 in Milan, at 19:30 , there will be a presentation of the book The Professional - Vendetta. There will be
Marino Di Stefano will be Alan D. Altieri and Tito Faraci, besides myself.
If you want to meet you look!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pinky Promise Tracker

-third stake.

Hello, welcome back to
almost-weekly appointment with the chronicles of 2009.
When you're fed up with these delusions autobiographical me a whistle, In the meantime I am going on!
February 2009.
was now a few weeks I was working on the project of science fiction, when I receive a call from Tito Faraci of Editions Bd.
I is proposed to treat the graphic transposition of professional comics, known personggio noir, the protagonist of a long series of books dedicated to him and made by Stefano Di Marino, aka Stephen Gunn.
interrupt it the previous project and I start to 'work on this new job.
Dealing with existing and well-known characters is a challenge, and so exciting.
In this post I begin to show the protagonists of the story characters.
Spoiler. In the next episode will
woe, new directions and other boards of the Professional!