Monday, September 28, 2009

Itchy Red Bumps Pimple

It 's a little bit but I miss that a lot of news!

Hello everyone!
It 's been a while that I do feel a little bit of laziness, because a little over the past two months have happened so many things that seem to have been years!
First, I and my wife Antonella, we have become Mom and Dad, the day Thomas was born on August 31! It 'was, and is the' most moving and exciting experience I've ever tried, this little guy absorbs me completely, and already I'm hanging on Her lips, though for now emits only a few verses!

According to the positive side, after much toil and wandering I found a more than decent, and just to confirm, after six months of fasting, today I finally received a paycheck! Beginning to see the light!

Third but not least, yesterday September 27, 2009, Dead Nation was awarded the Charles Boscarato, saw me participate in the "Author revelation."
This award, to ex aequo with the very good Matteo Scalera fills me with immense pride, not only for sustained efforts in achieving Dead Nation, but also because, having spent some time really dark, was an 'unexpected and pleasant surprise, which has given me confidence and positive charge!
We would keep a lot of people to thank: My partner
Andrea Gagne , because if it were not for him DN would not have existed, and I did not 'I designed; Luca Bertelè for having discovered and brought to Marco Schiavone Marco Schiavone in for believing in the project and it published, for my parents 'financial support and immense spiritual Andrea Motta , for helping me find my way; Diego Cajelli ,' s enthusiasm that gives me all the times that we feel; Lorenzo Manià , Davide Morando Davie and CACI, for their support and appreciation that I have shown, Emiliano Longobardi , 's immense patience, are mega super late, but your project the 'I forgot!
Now I get down to work I get back to work, so Stefano and Tito do not hate me too!
you soon!