Monday, March 19, 2007

What Was Capote's Purpose In Cold Blood?

World Poetry Day at the park literary Homer

Parks Literary ®


Subject: "World Day Poetry "in the Literary Park ® Homer

Like every year since 1999, the arrival of spring, in all Member States of UNESCO's Day is celebrated World Poetry. Since then, the Italian National Commission for UNESCO works to promote, coordinate, monitor and publicize the events planned throughout Italy on the occasion of this anniversary.

Foundation Ippolito Nievo and Literary Parks ® have accepted the invitation to participate in the celebration which will have as theme "The Journey" and its "intention of providing a stimulus to the promotion and dissemination of poetic expression," propose a series of parallel events, using its national network, ranging from Liguria to Calabria, from Tuscany to Abruzzi, Basilicata to Lazio as an opportunity to make rich diversity. "

In particular, during this event, Saturday, March 24, 2007, at 16.30 in the Conference Room of Villa Fogliano, in collaboration with the Circeo National Park, the Park Literary ® Homer, presents "From Odysseus to date ... poetry festival on the theme of the Journey. "

The event program provides the following three stages:

"poetic and musical walk" in the garden of Villa Fogliano Caetani accompanied by singers and actors of the Literary Park ® Homer.

"poems" by Francesco Agresti, from "The Return of Ulysses" and "Ithaca, the island impossible "and Laura
Fidaleo, in the presence of poets, played by David Curzon

" poetry readings "
by the Laboratory of poetry of the studies and the arts of the Centre for Socio-cultural elderly Latina"

L 'event, with free admission and free, wants to highlight how the universal values \u200b\u200bof poetry unites man in his essence, beyond any opposition, all over the world.
The afternoon begins with a "poetic and musical walk" in the garden of Villa Caetani leaf, designed for the occasion and performed by singers, actors and musicians of the Literary Park ® Homer.

An original "Sentimental Journey" through the pages of poetry that tell of the inspiration of the place. Beautiful places, experienced travelers, and real places of the soul, or never attained, such as those of the nineteenth century garden of Villa Caetani leaf, one of the most charming and attractive logos of the Circeo National Park, the Pontine.
Here guests will be involved, as in the characteristic of The Literary Parks ®, the discovery of the "genius loci" and the poems of Emily Dickinson, Federico Garcia Lorca, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Giuseppe Ungaretti, of Braithwaite and Giuuseppe Stanislao Nievo, here is the past several times, lead us to the world as well as many plant species, plants and trees of the garden that the Duchess Ada Caetani brought here from the five continents, from his many travels around the Villa that so many writers and poets had guests.
A journey through music, natural sounds, passions, rhythms, smells, scents, impressions, yearnings. Original musical arrangements create the poems and guide your senses.
Fogliano reliving, in this particular day, his only suggestion, made of nature and poetry, as a meeting place open to culture, to the world.
The second part of the afternoon, below, landing in the room of the House of Caetani leaf, is dedicated to the presentation of two poets: Francesco Agresti and Laura Fidaleo.

Agresti's poems will be proposed by the voice of noted actor David Salerno Curzio, taken from "The Return of Ulysses" and "Ithaca, the island impossible."
"Agresti is inspired by a mountain that gave rise to great poetry through time, not only in Italy but also beyond, the Circeo. Here Agresti crows three times, an ecological, a prehistoric man, and a legendary, even though all three are the greeting to the goddess Circe, Maga unopposed this plague. Francis has a sense of 'observation millennia, in ways that align the time in this enchanting corner of the planet, "hermit flying between stars and indifferent world." In this anthology is the time of the sea and the eddies, motherhood and the eternal return to the wild life. Agresti A poet sings' man of today and takes the equality opera while announcing the next travelers, tourists come. In his poems through the ages echo mysterious death leaves are sucked by a pump today, which dries the 'last flood the cave. Thus we are led to the encounter with the Goddess, the Sorceress who all seek the mountain. Agresti
... runs to the mountain, it follows that for thousands of years wandering poets like cirrus clouds thickened in the Circeo wish, albeit a sad smile - humble philosopher - to redeem that even Virgil, Andersen, and D'Annunzio Aleardi feeling: sense the world. "
(from the preface of St. Nievo)

" You do not know and I'll look fly "is the poetry of Laura Fidaleo" gives us a text that forces us to feel the wounds of our relationships, their elimination, illusion, betrayal, tells us that ours is, unfortunately, the time of two magnets that fail to stick, despite many efforts. It hurts a bit 'we, too, that the law, but any wound that opens us to a blooming flower, a flower held between his teeth like the dancers of tango, perhaps, but always in bloom, and even more candid, between blood and dagger, including lipstick. "(from the introduction of Fabio Franzin)

Finally, The third and final part of the afternoon is the time for love poetry with genuine spontaneity lived through the "poetry readings," prepared by the Laboratory of poetry of the studies and the arts of the Centre of Socio-cultural elderly City of Latina " .

... and the journey continues ... in poetry.

Villa Fogliano, 16:03:07

Literary Park ® Homer
Roberto Perticaroli

First Solar Boat Trip

of all trips
dream of rotten wood dissolved

Browse the mind exhausted
sounds sweeter
swollen sadness of the sea royal

looking for a call to touch the joy over

fauna unknown

The stories of single men in
bleached-wood and fantastic cards

expects the sweetness of tired lady
my head wrong

(Stanislaus Nievo)

On the site of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO, , there is a section on World Poetry Day full of information the importance and the aims proposed by UNESCO for this celebration.

Parks Literary ® "Homer" Villa Fogliano 04010 LATINATel. 0773 208132 - 339 5880408