Saturday, February 24, 2007

Skipping Curfew Sims 3

A new initiative of Francis Agresti: the contemporary Italian poetry to the Italians in the world

After the huge success of the first round of the Poets in Review Via Veneto which had its public debut Sergio Zavoli, a 'great' Italian culture, and journalism, has been proposed to RAI International to broadcast a summary of the forthcoming meetings to Italians abroad through all broadcasters RAI for Italians in the world.
"initiative would be a more than significant and of great emotional impact for the more than sixty million people of Italian origin living in the world, to listen to the most representative voices of our contemporary poets - says Francesco Agresti, editor, with Ennio Cavalli, of the fair. - A voice can be transmitted through one of the poets, not only the evolution of language, but the creative sensibilities of contemporary Italy.
Poets in Via Veneto, in a world in rapid transformation which is contemporary, born from 'need to pay close attention, in addition to the reshaping of language, and importantly, to our historical and cultural identity.
After Zavoli, the upcoming events at the Regina Hotel Baglioni, will be to Erri De Luca, Alexandra Petrova, Corrado CalabrĂ², Guido Oldani, Martha Canfield and other characters whose names will be announced in the next few releases. All this will culminate in the month of December with a great celebration of Poetry which will also be invited to some of the most representative of international poetry.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Symptoms Hard To Swallow

ITHACA, the island impossible

review by Maurizio Cucchi. "[...] I mean Agresti works in a careful with the word, with the direction and pace, even dramatizing the pronunciation. Create, through dramatic aspect of orality in the words of the characters, meaning ulteriore.A Apart from anything else, who does not would be on an island to discuss the meaning of life together with a new Circe? The author makes a point that it really is not cultural, but it inevitably becomes an archetype. How can we not imagine the only stop, the only break from the many illusory 'ballets of death and dementia' in a place other than the embrace of the mysterious Circle? Of course, with a return to something else, on the way to Ithaca, the home final point of departure and arrival of all our strade.Nel meantime it is still nice to see and hear the 'minor children running around' and leave the hands' chaste smell of the winds' and approach the 'petal Fugitive 'in its seductive sweetness .. "

Click on the headline to read the presentation of' work from the site of Lietocolle.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Where Can I Get A Tmnt Wrestling Singlet

Francesco Agresti 's love .....


Land of Vladimir and land border:
fields and endless blue
bed where laughs hidden genius Vadinoi.

Beyond the rustle of corn, sunflowers,
the rapids of the rivers in the veins and
wind through the colorful skirts.

my byline
you the unforgettable song from another time, between the steppe
where nostalgia runs forever.

I come to you along with Baba Jaga
Trasvolata your skies on the broom.
In deep green forests of your
are con leche, Scots spirit.

From ancient glory sprang up your hand,
pain eternal melancholy, Vladimiro
land and frontier land
mother earth and my imagination.

Angela I.

(click on 'image)

Monday, February 5, 2007

Can Ingrown Hairs Look Like Warts



Oh not my mother tongue language conquered
with perseverance
like a lover long desired.

Language chased and then reached
going to wash clothes in Elsa.

We spoke our father
Dante and many poets and writers that I love

Language rich and noble
for Latin descent.

not widespread but everywhere
loved the variety of accents.

not suitable for the war and yet the fire and passion
language singer

language in which I recognize
communicate and transmit.

language they teach us to love not only in the old rules but in
'intrinsic beauty.

Language educated, high

in which I die pronouncing simple words to loved ones.

Angela Immediate